How to Store Fruits and Vegetables in 4 Easy Steps.

How to Store Fruits and Vegetables in 4 Easy Steps.

Fruits and Vegetables have one of the highest wastage rates, due to their perishable nature. They require extra attention to keep for long periods. 


Have you wondered how to keep your fruits and vegetables fresh for longer? Let's dive into some practical steps to take to achieve this.


Fruits and Vegetables

Sort Appropriately


It's important to sort your produce before storage. Separate fruits from leafy vegetables. Do not package everything together, as some ripen faster than others, and could affect others. For Example, Tomatoes ripen and tend to spoil faster than carrots, so you cannot store them under similar conditions.


Washed Fruits


Wash Properly


Fruits and vegetables come directly from the farm, and as a result, still have some soil all over them during purchase. Oftentimes, the seller does some of the washing. Nonetheless, it's important to wash your fruits and vegetables properly before storage, to keep them in a fresh, healthy, and edible state after storage.


Wrapped Fruits with Cling Film


Use Suitable Packaging


When storing fruits and vegetables in the fridge, it's advisable to use see-through packages, especially for left overs. These help you identify various stored produce quickly, and prevent stock from staying too long in the freezer without usage. You get to quickly see what you have in your fridge once you open it, and can also spark interest in consumption. Some examples of suitable packaging include: transparent containers, Eco Cling Films, Zip-lock bags, etc


Fruits in Refridgerator




Fruits and vegetables are best stored at temperatures between 32 - 50F. Once your fruits and vegetables are well sorted and packaged, store them in the Crisper; which is the drawer at the bottom of your refrigerator. The Crisper is designed to control the humidity in the air around your fresh fruit and vegetable. Once your fruits and vegetables are well sorted and packaged, put them into your refrigerator.



You no longer have to feel terrible about wasting fruits and vegetables. All of the aforementioned tips are actionable steps to take to store fruits and vegetables properly, keeping them fresh for longer. Now you can eat healthily and reduce food waste all at once.


I'm certain you found this post useful. Read up on How to reduce your food waste and save money.